Chocolate Vanilla Dairy-Free Cookies

Categories: Chocolate cookies, Cookies recipes, Simple Cookies

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Chocolate Vanilla Dairy-Free Cookies

These cookies are quite unique! Watch the video to see how easy it is to make chocolate vanilla cookies in a somewhat unconventional way, which will give you beautiful marbled cookies. Do you want to keep the kids busy? Especially now during the pandemic, this is a perfect recipe for you. A dairy-free cookie dough that uses oil instead of butter, and the chocolate part is the best. There’s a great trick here for making marbled cookies. I’m just warning you that they are super addictive. You’ll fall in love with them, and your kids will also have an activity to keep them busy!

Makes around 40 cookies


400 grams flour (3 cups minus 2 Tbsp)
1 egg
60 ml water (1/4 cup)
100 ml oil (a little more than 1/3 cup)
200 grams sugar (1 cup)

1/2 Tbsp cocoa powder


1. Mix the ingredients (except for the cocoa powder) into a dough.

2. Set 3/4 of the dough aside and add the cocoa powder to the remaining 1/4, mixing well until completely combined, for a dark-colored dough. Be patient, it takes a little time.

3. Form small balls with the dark dough. Roll the light dough into a large rectangle and arrange the balls on the dough with spaces in between. Lay a sheet of parchment paper over the balls and press down and then use a rolling pin to flatten (you should watch the video to see how it’s done).

4. Preheat an oven to 180°C, cut out shapes and arrange on a baking tray. Bake for around 10 minutes.

Good to know…
You can form smaller balls (5 grams) and then you get a more marbled dough (you can see in the video). You can also cut out smaller cookies.

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