Green salad with dressing
After a lot of experimentation, I have reached the perfect dressing. I would like to introduce my homemade sauce. we cannot renew the salad but we can renew the dressing! My dressing goes very well with the salad.
Mix of your favorite leaves:
Baby Greens, Rocket Leaves, different kinds of lettuce
Or a blend of salad leaves sold at the supermarket to
fill up a medium sized bowl
1 big onion cut into half and thinly sliced
20 cherry tomatoes cut into half
Thinly sliced Champignon Mushrooms
2 carrots cut into thin stripes by peeler
The dressing that makes the salad perfect:
4 full spoons of orange juice
4 full spoons of olive oil
1 chopped garlic clove
1 tsp. honey
1 tsp. mustard
White pepper
1. Tear up the leaves by hand .Place the leaves in a bowl and add the vegetables.
2. Mix the ingredients of the dressing, Drizzle the dressing over the salad before serving and mix gently.