Hot Chocolate Cake

Categories: Cakes and Desserts, Cakes without mixer, Desserts

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Hot Chocolate Cake

What a wonderful thing, a real treat in 15 minutes.
Creamy and chocolatey, and when you reach in with your spoon it’s a wonderful surprise to find a chocolate mousse interior. Chocolate lovers will adore this. Kids will adore this. So easy to make and you won’t need any special equipment, just mix and bake. After 15 minutes you’ll have 3 delicious hot chocolate cakes.
The only problem is that there’s only three cakes and you’ll probably need to make more, they’re that good.

Makes 3 individual-sized cakes 50 ml each (small)


120 grams chocolate spread
4 Tbsp whipping cream
1 egg yolk (the yellow part)
50 grams flour (5 Tbsp)
¼ tsp baking powder


1. Preheat an oven to 180°C.

2. Mix together the whipping cream and the chocolate spread and add the egg yolk and mix until well combined. Add the flour and baking powder.

3. Grease the cups and fill them ¾ full.

4. Bake for 14 minutes, sprinkle with icing sugar and serve immediately.

Good to know…
There’s no sugar in the cake. The cake comes out soft and mousse-like in the center and it somewhat deflates when you take it out of the oven.  You can prep these a few hours in advance and bake them when you are ready to eat them.

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Hot Chocolate Cake Hot Chocolate CakeHot Chocolate Cake Hot Chocolate Cake

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