Old fashioned orange cake

Categories: Cakes and Desserts, Orange cakes

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*Old fashioned orange cake

I like making old-fashioned cakes, the kinds our grandmothers used to make. This is a classic orange cake recipe.
I love cakes that remind me of my childhood when my grandmother would greet me when I came home from school. The house would be filled with the incredible aroma
of orange cake baking in the oven, and it still puts a smile on my face, even today.
This is a winning recipe for a nostalgic orange cake with an amazingly light texture. My grandmother used to bake wonderful cakes and despite all the years that have passed, I still remember the flavor and texture of her cakes.
This is an excellent recipe for an old-fashioned orange cake that tastes like home.

2 English cake pans


6 eggs
250 grams sugar (1 + 1/4 cups)
180 ml oil (3/4 cup)
240 ml juice orange (1 cup)
280 grams flour (2 cups)
2 tsp baking powder


1. Preheat an oven to 180°C.

2. Separate the eggs and transfer the whites to the bowl of a mixer. Whip for around 10 seconds and add the sugar. Increase the speed to medium and whip until you get stiff peaks. It takes around 4-5 minutes.

3. Lower the speed and add the yolks, one at a time, waiting in between until each yolk is fully incorporated until adding the next one.

4. Add the orange juice and the oil with the mixer on low, and finally add the flour and baking powder. Mix until well combined and smooth.

5. Transfer the batter to greased cake tins or line them with parchment paper and bake for 40 minutes or until set and golden. The cake will lose some of its volume after it comes out of the oven.

Good to know…
Bake in an English cake tin and not in any other baking pan! It just won’t come out the same. The English cake pans give a perfect result.
If you use freshly squeezed orange juice, add another 1/3 cup sugar to the batter.
If you use self-raising flour, use 2 cups and leave out the baking powder. You can freeze for a week. On hot days, this keeps best in the fridge.
The cake loses some of its volume as it cools.

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Old fashioned orange cakeOld fashioned orange cake Old fashioned orange cake

Old fashioned orange cake Old fashioned orange cake

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