Passover Pizza Dough

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Passover Pizza Dough

Is pizza even possible on Passover? I’m not talking about matzah pizza, but about proper pizza dough with all the tasty toppings, and not even a speck of matzah flour.
Imagine how happy I made the kids! So yes, you can make real pizza on Passover and top it with whatever you like.

Makes a large, 32 cm diameter


300 grams kosher for Passover self-raising flour (1.5 bags)
200 grams 5% soft white cheese (5 Tbsp)
1 egg
80 ml water (1/3 cup)
3 Tbsp oil
2 tsp baking powder
1 Tbsp vinegar
1 heaped tsp salt


1. Place all the ingredients in the bowl of a mixer and use a paddle attachment to process into a soft and non-uniform dough. It looks like lumps of dough. Stop the mixer, gather the dough, give it a quick knead and gather into a ball.

2. Roll out the dough into a large circle, preferably on parchment paper, it’ll make your life easier. Lightly dust the baking tray with flour and place the dough on top. Stretch it a bit so it fills up the tray and cut away any leftovers.

3. Preheat an oven to 180°C.

4. Spread with tomato sauce / ketchup, sprinkle with grated cheese of choice and toppings of choice.

5. Bake for 30 minutes or until the edges are golden.

Good to know…
I don’t know how this will work with other flours. You can’t make this without the self-raising flour.

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Passover Pizza DoughPassover Pizza Dough

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Tami Abramowitz

I just don’t think there is any such thing as “kosher for Passover self-raising flour” but if there is, please let us know the brand.