Pasta With Tuna Sauce Recipe

Categories: Dinners recipes, Lunch Recipes, Pasta recipes, Side dishes

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Pasta With Tuna Sauce Recipe
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Pasta With Tuna Sauce Recipe

It’s hot outside and I neither feel like going out or like investing efforts into complicated cooking, so what do we do? You go to the pantry and find some pasta, a tin of olives and of Tuna and you can come up with a nice satisfying dish. So, let’s get down to business!


250 gr. Spaghetti or any Pasta you prefer
170 gr of crumbled Tuna
340 gr. pitted olives
1 chopped onion
2 red peppers cut into cubes
100 gr. tomato puree
3/4 tsp. sugar
1 1/2 cups water
Diced black pepper


1. Boil the olives for 15 minutes and filter; repeat the activity once more.

2. Fry the onion until it becomes yellow, add the pepper and fry until it becomes soft, add all ingredients and cook on lower fire until part of the liquid evaporates.

3. Prepare the pasta according to instructions, filter and serve with a generous portion of sauce on top

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Pasta in tuna sauce

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