Spicy Hot Olive Salad

Categories: Salads, Warm salads

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Spicy Hot Olive Salad

Give me a variety of salads on the Saturday Night dinner table and everybody will find his favorite salad and finish the bowl. After this variety of salads, who needs a main course?


1 can of pitted green olives
1 big chopped onion
3 brewed and peeled tomatoes
2 cups water (for cooking)
3 sliced garlic cloves
1 spoon tomato puree
Soup powder
Diced black pepper



1. Boil water, put in olives and cook for 10 minutes; then throw out the water and repeat the operation at least 3 times.

2. Fry the onion, add the garlic and the tomatoes cut into small cubes, then add the tomato puree, the sugar and the spices, add the water, bring to boil and lower the fire.

3. Add the olives and cook for 25 minutes mixing from time to time. Check the taste in the end.

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