Ziva, A Quick Cheese Pastry
As much as I love easy recipes, I sometimes wonder how I manage to scrape together such a delicious pastry from a few leftover staples at home.
This simplicity never stops exciting me. This recipe is a throwback to my childhood when we’d eat the pastry at a restaurant, served with grated tomatoes, hardboiled eggs, pickles and olives.
Simply irresistible! It’s been a few years since then and now I make it at home. It’s somewhat reminiscent of cheese burekas.
Treat your family, and yourself.
1 package of phyllo dough / puff pastry
For the filling:
100 grams cottage cheese
1 egg
2 Tbsp flour
100 grams 5% soft white cheese
80 grams grated cheese of choice
50 grams goat/Bulgarian/feta/Tzafit cheese
3/4 tsp salt
1. Mix all the filling ingredients and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
2. Preheat an oven to 180°C.
3. Cut the dough into three parts. Fill a piping bag with the filling and pipe two rows, one thin, and one thick, next to each other along the top part of the dough. Roll the dough into a long log and make a U-shape and place on a baking tray.
4. Brush with the egg wash, sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake for 20 minutes until the dough is golden.
Serve with grated tomatoes, hardboiled eggs, pickles and olives.