Zucchini and Peppers

Categories: A list, Side dishes, Vegan recipes, Vegetarian recipes

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Zucchini and Peppers

I love vegetables; the more the merrier! A casserole full of soft vegetables in a delicious sauce goes with every main course. It is light and you may eat as much as you like, it is fully satisfying and tasty


1 onion
4 zucchini
1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
1 cup water
3 spoons chopped dill
1 spoon Paprika
Soup powder
Diced black pepper


1. Cut the vegetables in small cubes, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to the frying pan, add the onion and Cook until they begin to turn golden brown, add the vegetables and stir fried until the vegetables are tender.

2. Add all ingredients and cook for 20 minutes. Taste and serve.

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Zucchini and Peppers

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