Spaghetti with Pizza Flavor

Categories: Lunch Recipes, Pasta recipes, Side dishes

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Spaghetti with Pizza Flavor

I believe in saving time in the kitchen and I have a list of fast recipe I draw out in emergency times. Sometimes it’s hard to believe how in several minutes the dinner for the children is served. Just with a bit of positive thinking…


300 gr. Spaghetti
1 chopped medium-sized onion
2 spoons olive oil
100 gr. tomato puree
1 tsp. sweet Paprika
2 tsp. crushed garlic
1/2 tsp. Oregano / Pizza Spice
1 tsp. sugar
Soup powder
Diced black pepper


1Prepare the Spaghetti according to the instructions on the packet, filter and mix with two spoons of olive oil. Keep on the side for later.

  1. 2. Fry the onion until it turns yellow, add all ingredients plus two cups of water, cook for two minutes, add the Spaghetti and cook for two more minutes, mix, check the seasoning and take off the fire.
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