Pea soup

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Pea soup

I’ve been asked several time for pea soup and I really try to deliver. The time has really come for a recipe for such a tasty pea soup on the site. This one is thick and rich, it only takes 5 minutes to prepare and the stove does the rest.
I even used frozen peas, which makes this recipe even easier. You’re going to love it.

Makes 3 servings


1 large onion
3 cups of frozen peas
2 carrots
1 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp turmeric
2 Tbsp chicken bouillon
Ground black pepper
Salt (if needed, to taste)


  1. 1. Chop the onion. Put a pan on medium heat. Add 3 Tbsp of oil to a pan and add the onion. Sauté until golden, stirring occasionally.
  1. 2. Add the other ingredients and bring to a boil, cooking for around two minutes. The add the tomatoes
  2. and lower the heat. Cook for around 50 minutes.
  3. *3. Taste and adjust seasoning.

Good to know…
You can make this a day or two in advance, it’ll only make the soup tastier. Instead of butternut squash you can add 2 carrots. The soup isn’t sweet even though it has a bit of sugar in it. Will keep for up to 4 days in the fridge.

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Pea soup

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